Friday, June 29, 2012

Because I Live

Because I live, ye shall live also. John 14:19

We think our lives depend on so many things... but in the end, our lives depend on each other.   "Because I live, ye shall live also"

Have you ever noticed, that when you are around someone who is really alive, a part of you comes alive too?   Have you ever noticed that the way you present yourself and the words and ideas you bring to the table have an effect on others?

Perhaps it's obvious, but for many people, it is not.  The way we are affects those around us. 

Sometimes, we get so caught up in certain patterns with people, that we aren't even really alive.   We live life in a dead pattern. 

Sometimes we need to scrub our eyes clean, and look afresh, because the world is bustling with life and when it is not, either we can relax and enjoy the peace, or we can bustle ourselves.  Being in these two states.... we can Live. 

If we find that we are misfitting, or that we are not able to keep up a positive energy, perhaps it is time to reflect on what life is, what a gift life is, and what it means to be living.

Living is sharing ourselves with others, and when others do not need our sharing, life is sharing ourselves with ourselves. 

We like to give appointments to other people, but we rarely give appointments to ourselves.  If we knew how to be with ourselves in such a way that it benefited us it would be such a good thing.

So many times we feel that we have to be around other people, but the honest truth is that we want to be around other people because we don't want to be around ourselves.   Why don't we want to be around ourselves?  Usually because the substance of our thoughts or our body gives us discomfort. 

They say that idle hands are the devil's workshop.  Why?

Because life is about being alive and doing things, keeping our "hands" busy.  There is an equal fight in our mind to stop doing and just relax, but life is not about relaxing.  Luckily there is relaxation given to us every night when we go to bed, but other than that we are created to do things.  We are created to Live, and in our living-ness, others can live as well.

Sometimes we become so anti-doing things that we create a subtle idea that nothing should be done, that we should relax.  We create a goal of not doing anything once our work is finished.  This goal of not doing anything when our work is done, is a dangerous goal because now we are saying the reward of work is to not work, so we are continually focused on the relaxation part of not doing.   If we are continually focused on relaxing after we are done doing then we will not have our minds and our beings fully on what we are doing.  We will be thinking about doing stuff that we are not doing - relaxing.

We should realize that just working is a reward because when we train our brain to solve problems and work and act, we find that the reward continually is forthcoming and the idea of relaxing does not occur to us.   Time flies when we are having fun, and certainly when we add our intensity to our work we find that time does fly because we are actually having fun whether we believe it or not.

When we harbor the subtle desire to do nothing or to go and sit and doze off when we are working, then we create a split mind and we create a mental pattern that is NOT life. 

When we create this pattern, we are not spreading life that can be given to others.  We are truly spreading ignorance and death.  We are spreading tamas.  We are spreading the idea of unawareness because our mind stops being sharp when we keep calculating when we are going to relax.  Then the work suffers because every other thought of ours is towards not doing.

Our mind starts to calculate how NOT to do.... and this infects everyone around us because as we are, so others become.  As others are, so we become. 

There is a great deal of people who have this subtle desire to not do.  Well, in order to turn it around, we have to find that we need to LIVE and in order to truly live we must work with joy.  We must do with joy.  We must play with joy.  We must be intense. 

This intensity will drive you and you will find that you are with other people who also share this mentality because you are on the same wavelength. 

This is what the statement means - "Because I live, ye shall live also"

Thursday, June 28, 2012

More ideas

"Have a strong experiential clarity about you.  Nobody should be able to penetrate and alter your idea about you within you." - Paramahamsa Nithyananda

Understanding thyself is a key.  The more I understand myself the more I realize my proclivity to frustrating thoughts and the more I realize the joy I experience or the liquid feeling I experience when I am simply flowing with my mind, thoughts, and my actions.  If there is flowing with my thoughts, words, actions, there is a liquid feeling.  Writing certainly helps with this.  It hammers out the thinking process, it adds fluidity to the mind, and fluidity is the state of our Being.

Whenever we feel like a solid entity this is actually not who we are.  Because of our human form we think that we are a solid entity but we are not.  We are smooth, flowing entities.  Once you experience this fluid, flowing space, you realize that it is true, then you crave to experience this at all times and then when you are forced to work you get frustrated because sometimes you think you can't do the work that is expected of you.

But this is not true.  You can do the work that is expected of you, it is only a figment of your imagination that makes you feel that cannot do things.

Again and again shower yourself with this truth that you are capable.  YOU ARE CAPABLE. Sometimes you don't feel that you are, and that leads to another truth that Swamiji says...

"Be available to the part of you which is able" - Paramahamsa Nithyananda

Whenever you are in any situation, there is some part of you which is available to you.  Sometimes you want to use the wrong part to be available, but you don't need to use that part, you simply need to use the part of you which is able to be available.  Once you have the knack of always using the part of you which is available to be able to be used, then you will become more practical and will certainly stay in better spirits.

Energetic Quotations

"For you have been born again not of seed which is perishable but imperishable, that is, through the living and abiding word of God" - I Peter 1:23 (NAS) 

This quotation gives great strength and great solace.  First and foremost it says that you were born of something that is imperishable.  This is a hard pill to swallow for some.  The idea that we are imperishable is our root fear or doubt.  We doubt that we are imperishable.

I am in no mood to argue for or against the idea of imperishability.  Let us simply look, with Shraddha or sincerity, or faithfulness, that this quotation is correct.  Debate is useful when it establishes groundwork for an understanding, however it is not useful when it creates more confusion and more chaos, as it usually does.

When we look at something with Shraddha or sincerity, it opens the doors to a spiritual experience.  When we look at something worth trusting with Trust, it opens that door, it opens our hearts.

So, the quotation is saying that you have been born again not of seed which is perishable but a seed which is imperishable.  We always think we are born of something that is perishable because we are so caught up with this idea of the body.  We are originally born physically in a body, but from the seed of imperishability which is the living and abiding word of God, we are born again.  We are promised that we can live anew, we can refresh ourselves because our very notion of ourselves changes as we are not only exposed to the truth, but begin living in the truth.   The seed of living in the truth is the word of truth and that is the word of God.  As we follow the words of God we are able to experience the truth of Love and not just think we understand the concept.  Living the word and thinking we know things are two different things. 

Let us first understand what the term living word means.  It means that these words are not dead even if they were written or spoken in the past.  It means that when these words are thought of in the present we achieve the state of imperishability in the NOW.  It also means because these are words of wisdom speaking a language of immortality that is true, when you are born "again" out of your ignorance of perishability, these living words will guide you beyond the seed you were originally born in.  The original seed you were born in was one of the bodily frame which does perish.  But whence you connect with the seed of the living word then you move into the space of imperishability of immortality.

One of the things I am trying to do is follow the Living Word.  I am finding the Living Word and writing about them, because as I write about the Living Word I am pouring it into my consciousness which will surely benefit from this work.