Sunday, August 4, 2019

Daily Divine Download 8/5/19 - Receiving your Inheritance

Sunday 8/5/19

Holy Father, Creator of creation, how can I see your Thought, experience your Word, give your Love, Joy, Peace, happiness, and Vision? 

Please Guide us this morning with your Holy Words. 


Child of God, there are many distractions, too many to count, keep track of, and describe, that can be listed on paper, that are essentially denials of the Kingdom of Mine, which is already rightfully yours. The way to Heaven is almost too simple to travel for you to grasp, for it is already here and nothing needs to be done except to desire it to have it. 

How hard is it to switch on a light? How hard is it to press a button? 

Even these steps are more elaborate than the process to be where you already are, Heaven.  To have Heaven, you need merely to ask for it. No buttons or switches are required because buttons and switches are physical manifestations of an outer world of matter in which a physical device is needed after a choice is made in your mind to achieve some effect in this world of perception you think you are in now. 

Even asking for Heaven makes it seem like something outside of you needs to be introduced to you. How difficult is it to experience what is already present? There is no switch or button to turn on Heaven or to make it be seen because Heaven already IS and you are already there. 

The real truth is that you are choosing NOT to see it and have deluded yourself so much that you believe you must do countless things and make absurd efforts to experience Heaven. Your mind is the Mind of God. This is fact and not fiction. This entire perceptual world has been made by misusing this mind. A physical light switch in your world makes it seem as though there is an intermediate physical device necessary in order to fulfill a decision that you make in your mind. 

Your mind is creator not perceiver. What your perceive now is a set of choices to be made out of a desire to hide the truth from you, that you and your mind are literally creating everything you see, feel, and experience. Yet, because of your initial desire to separate, this very perceptual world is a hiding device made to hide the real “location” of your power. 

Your power lies not in an outer manifestation of decisions, like switches and buttons and ignition keys and dials. Your power lies right in your mind, within YOU. All the power in the Universe, lay in your mind, at your disposal, and the switch to change everything is simply your desire to have Heaven and your refusal to keep distracting yourself with the multitude of distractions you yourself are making and then choosing to seek outside yourself rather than within. 

Today, simply ask that Heaven be yours with hope. Not even certainty that it will come is required of you. Only the desire to have it is needed. Your mind is the Mind of God. How can your desire for what is rightfully yours be fulfilled if you desire everything other than this? It is not that Heaven is unavailable to you right now. It is only that you constantly make yourself unavailable to Heaven by denying it through your acceptance of illusions. 

Deny Heaven no more! Deny the idea you have that you think you want the things you want. This is not a sacrifice because you are only questioning the illusion of what you want now. You would not settle for the pittance you receive if you but knew the magnitude of your real inheritance: 

Love beyond measure, Joy of Spirit and friendship, Peace of God that passes understanding. 

Merely say this sincerely, 

I ask for what is rightfully mine and trust I will receive it. 

Saturday, August 3, 2019

You are Blessed Indeed - Daily Divine Download 8/3/19

Dear God, Jesus, and the Holy Company of Heaven - the holiest of the holies please Guide and Lead me today as I receive your message of hope and Eternity Amen. 

You are blessed indeed. Never forget this - and when you do forget that you are blessed, come back to this idea, again and again. 

You are blessed, you are holy, because You are of God and All that Is is within God, who is All that Is - Eternal and Forever. 

There is no death, you cannot die, yet because you forget your holiness, death seems possible, and life seems intolerable - a cruel existence that cannot accept the Infinite Love, Power, and Intelligence of God. 

Therefore, Choose again and again, that you are Holy indeed, and that God IS real and ONLY God exists. Everything else is a delusion and is meaningless. 

All meaning comes from God and all meaningless is merely nothing and deserves no consideration because it IS NOTHING at all. 

Yet, God is everything and You are Part of Him. 

You are everything that God is and nothing that God is not. Therefore you are loving and fear is never part of the real you. 

Therefore, you are Joy and sadness is never part of the real you. 

Therefore, you are All Powerful, and weakness is never part of the real you. 

When you notice anything that is NOT you, let go of it quickly by remembering Me - Jesus, and take the Holy Spirit’s Hand, ask for His Help, and He will help you immediately, for He is with everyone always. 

Remember again and again your holiness and the holiness of All My Creation which includes all living things. 

See everything and remember what I am saying and trust it - You are holy indeed because You are Part of Me and Everything is In Me, thus everything is sacred, holy, and lovely. 

Anything that appears unholy, or unloving - we quickly hand over this misperception to the Holy Spirit. 

He sees it not and shares His Vision with you instead. 

What the Holy Spirit sees cannot be described but can be seen by simply giving Him your needs and wants. 

Give Him your heart today. 
Give Him your mind. 

Ask Him to show you your holiness and He will share His Holiness with You because He shares it with ALL because ALL is God and All is Within Him Who cares for you. 

You are indeed blessed. Remember this throughout the day.  I cannot fail in this function because I ask you only to remember what is true. 

Only your holiness is truth. 
You will certainly remember your holiness with each ounce of effort you put forth to say to yourself: 

I am part of God
I am very holy. 

Nothing can make me sinful 
For my holiness is perfect

My perfection cannot be darkened
For I am Light and what shines can  never cast a shadow. 
