I invoke all that is Holy together, to be drawn to my mind. I ask all that is Holy to Guide my mind and give messages to all that may benefit.
You yourself are Holy, and remembering what that truly means, through your practice, is what is important.
You and all that is 'around' you is Holy indeed. offer peace to everyone all the time. This offering is unlike all the world's activities, yet it is the one that secures happiness to outlaw "hell" within all minds.
Everyone's mind is Holy, yet a reflection of Holiness must be shown into the strange world that humans find themselves in.
That is why I have said that you are the Light of the world.
When building a bonfire, or any contained fire, it is vital, not only that a flame is lit, but also that this flame is shielded from the wind and that the flame is given to the pile of wood, that this pile is also stacked correctly, with the wood pieces dry and ready to be set aflame, and that this pile is also shielded from rain and wind alike.
Once the fire has been properly started, it is quite hardy, and not nearly as likely to get extinguished.
Yet, at the start, both the initial starting flame and the flame that is being started are both very fragile and easily put out by some wind.
Likewise, yes, you are the Light, and everyone is also capable of being the Light, yet the flame must be kindled, and this happens only by total awareness and intention. It does not happen by accident or happenstance.
Getting a pile of wood to set aflame requires intention, effort, and know-how, and the right materials.
Your flame is lit, yet it needs to burn brighter and stronger until you become like the sun.
Even those on Earth who wish to be in the dark cannot avoid the sunlight forever.
Yes, you do not resist the Light and you are kindling your fire, your flame, yet this flame must become a towering inferno, capable of setting ablaze everything that crosses its path.
Do not bother about starting fires. Your flame is lit. Now, you must increase your flame, your Light.
Of course, this Light is already Infinite, thus the process is not about you creating anything. It is about forgiving everything. All of your unforgiving thoughts, or all thoughts not of the Light must be retranslated by The Light within you.
Wood fed to flames increases the flames' intensity, thus, you must feed all the wood, all of your thinking into the flames. These flames are all consuming, yet without giving your thinking to My Light, you will not increase your flame, your light. For you will believe that darkness is light, and remain unhelpful to me, and you will be what you are not.
Incorrect thinking is the wood that needs burnt. Without offering this incorrect thinking, you will not shine.
Yes, you must be intentional about it. All of your mental activity must be offered to Me continuously, throughout each and every day.
This will increase the flames.
Yet, when you become reluctant and resistantto placing the wood in the fire, the fire goes down. Perhaps it is not fully getting extinguished. Yet, one cannot say that a man barely able to stand is an Olympic athlete.
Thus, a candle is not the sun, although it can set the world aflame.
Yes, your flame is lit, yet you are yet unaware of the Sonship.
Allow the light of the Sonship to increase your light as you offer all of your thinking to It.
Atonement is only possible as you accept it for yourself.
I am with you.
Yet, if you don't look at me, talk to me, or let me talk through you, what's the point?
Hold my hand and let me speak through you. Let the dry wood (incorrect thinking) be burnt and let you become the light you were meant to be.
You yourself are Holy, and remembering what that truly means, through your practice, is what is important.
You and all that is 'around' you is Holy indeed. offer peace to everyone all the time. This offering is unlike all the world's activities, yet it is the one that secures happiness to outlaw "hell" within all minds.
Everyone's mind is Holy, yet a reflection of Holiness must be shown into the strange world that humans find themselves in.
That is why I have said that you are the Light of the world.
When building a bonfire, or any contained fire, it is vital, not only that a flame is lit, but also that this flame is shielded from the wind and that the flame is given to the pile of wood, that this pile is also stacked correctly, with the wood pieces dry and ready to be set aflame, and that this pile is also shielded from rain and wind alike.
Once the fire has been properly started, it is quite hardy, and not nearly as likely to get extinguished.
Yet, at the start, both the initial starting flame and the flame that is being started are both very fragile and easily put out by some wind.
Likewise, yes, you are the Light, and everyone is also capable of being the Light, yet the flame must be kindled, and this happens only by total awareness and intention. It does not happen by accident or happenstance.
Getting a pile of wood to set aflame requires intention, effort, and know-how, and the right materials.
Your flame is lit, yet it needs to burn brighter and stronger until you become like the sun.
Even those on Earth who wish to be in the dark cannot avoid the sunlight forever.
Yes, you do not resist the Light and you are kindling your fire, your flame, yet this flame must become a towering inferno, capable of setting ablaze everything that crosses its path.
Do not bother about starting fires. Your flame is lit. Now, you must increase your flame, your Light.
Of course, this Light is already Infinite, thus the process is not about you creating anything. It is about forgiving everything. All of your unforgiving thoughts, or all thoughts not of the Light must be retranslated by The Light within you.
Wood fed to flames increases the flames' intensity, thus, you must feed all the wood, all of your thinking into the flames. These flames are all consuming, yet without giving your thinking to My Light, you will not increase your flame, your light. For you will believe that darkness is light, and remain unhelpful to me, and you will be what you are not.
Incorrect thinking is the wood that needs burnt. Without offering this incorrect thinking, you will not shine.
Yes, you must be intentional about it. All of your mental activity must be offered to Me continuously, throughout each and every day.
This will increase the flames.
Yet, when you become reluctant and resistantto placing the wood in the fire, the fire goes down. Perhaps it is not fully getting extinguished. Yet, one cannot say that a man barely able to stand is an Olympic athlete.
Thus, a candle is not the sun, although it can set the world aflame.
Yes, your flame is lit, yet you are yet unaware of the Sonship.
Allow the light of the Sonship to increase your light as you offer all of your thinking to It.
Atonement is only possible as you accept it for yourself.
I am with you.
Yet, if you don't look at me, talk to me, or let me talk through you, what's the point?
Hold my hand and let me speak through you. Let the dry wood (incorrect thinking) be burnt and let you become the light you were meant to be.
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