Saturday, June 22, 2019

Daily Divine Download 6-22-19 The Road of Trust


The Road of Trust

Dear Father, Hallowed be Thy Name, let me accept Your Kingdom, and remember it is within. Let me remember that a kingdom is governed by order and Your Laws are the instrument of Your Order. Your Will is my will and this will is the Will of All for All. Amen.

Father, following Your Will is the way that Heaven and Earth shall become One - they will not continue to exist as separate states. Heaven is not elsewhere, we usually are 'elsewhere', which is to say, we've forgotten our Home, which is the Kingdom, which is Within.

How do we turn Within, Oh Father?

Trust me. Trust all that is. Trust even that which seems not to be me, for all is within Me.

Let trust be your Guide who opens the door to Faith and Knowledge and wisdom.

When you trust not, you are deceived, and the result is blindness. Yet, trust and willingness opens the blinds, lets Love shine and lets Reality be what it is, and you will have no regrets as you see the world with new eyes. The people you meet will have fresh eyes too, for trust is my invitation to enter. Love waits upon welcome. Where there is welcome, isn't there implicit trust?

Yes, trust is the door you must use, the path you must tread, the very fabric of the Real World, Heaven’s stead.

Today, practice trust in all that you do.  Trust in all around you, don’t just trust in yourself. For all that is “around” you is in Me and is You as well.  So, limiting trust to only “you” distorts trust itself.

To trust all IS to trust the Real You for You are All and All is You. 

As you learn and practice and practice and learn, you will simultaneously teach and blossom and grow with all those around you and even those you don’t know!

Trust in your brothers and sisters all day.  If you fail temporarily, remember again.  Trust and trust again - to trust is to help bring in Light.  Trust brings in Light, no darkness can prevail!

So, despite all appearances of unloving thoughts and ‘other’ people, trust dispels all’s illusions.  Trust is precious, yet do not hide it, it is always yours.  Use your trust.  Practice and grow it.  I created All by It - It is fundamental.

Let you begin your journey on the Road of Trust today, and never leave this road.

The Destination to be reached is Truth itself, and you and trust be merged and you become Your Self!


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