Sunday, August 4, 2019

Daily Divine Download 8/5/19 - Receiving your Inheritance

Sunday 8/5/19

Holy Father, Creator of creation, how can I see your Thought, experience your Word, give your Love, Joy, Peace, happiness, and Vision? 

Please Guide us this morning with your Holy Words. 


Child of God, there are many distractions, too many to count, keep track of, and describe, that can be listed on paper, that are essentially denials of the Kingdom of Mine, which is already rightfully yours. The way to Heaven is almost too simple to travel for you to grasp, for it is already here and nothing needs to be done except to desire it to have it. 

How hard is it to switch on a light? How hard is it to press a button? 

Even these steps are more elaborate than the process to be where you already are, Heaven.  To have Heaven, you need merely to ask for it. No buttons or switches are required because buttons and switches are physical manifestations of an outer world of matter in which a physical device is needed after a choice is made in your mind to achieve some effect in this world of perception you think you are in now. 

Even asking for Heaven makes it seem like something outside of you needs to be introduced to you. How difficult is it to experience what is already present? There is no switch or button to turn on Heaven or to make it be seen because Heaven already IS and you are already there. 

The real truth is that you are choosing NOT to see it and have deluded yourself so much that you believe you must do countless things and make absurd efforts to experience Heaven. Your mind is the Mind of God. This is fact and not fiction. This entire perceptual world has been made by misusing this mind. A physical light switch in your world makes it seem as though there is an intermediate physical device necessary in order to fulfill a decision that you make in your mind. 

Your mind is creator not perceiver. What your perceive now is a set of choices to be made out of a desire to hide the truth from you, that you and your mind are literally creating everything you see, feel, and experience. Yet, because of your initial desire to separate, this very perceptual world is a hiding device made to hide the real “location” of your power. 

Your power lies not in an outer manifestation of decisions, like switches and buttons and ignition keys and dials. Your power lies right in your mind, within YOU. All the power in the Universe, lay in your mind, at your disposal, and the switch to change everything is simply your desire to have Heaven and your refusal to keep distracting yourself with the multitude of distractions you yourself are making and then choosing to seek outside yourself rather than within. 

Today, simply ask that Heaven be yours with hope. Not even certainty that it will come is required of you. Only the desire to have it is needed. Your mind is the Mind of God. How can your desire for what is rightfully yours be fulfilled if you desire everything other than this? It is not that Heaven is unavailable to you right now. It is only that you constantly make yourself unavailable to Heaven by denying it through your acceptance of illusions. 

Deny Heaven no more! Deny the idea you have that you think you want the things you want. This is not a sacrifice because you are only questioning the illusion of what you want now. You would not settle for the pittance you receive if you but knew the magnitude of your real inheritance: 

Love beyond measure, Joy of Spirit and friendship, Peace of God that passes understanding. 

Merely say this sincerely, 

I ask for what is rightfully mine and trust I will receive it. 

Saturday, August 3, 2019

You are Blessed Indeed - Daily Divine Download 8/3/19

Dear God, Jesus, and the Holy Company of Heaven - the holiest of the holies please Guide and Lead me today as I receive your message of hope and Eternity Amen. 

You are blessed indeed. Never forget this - and when you do forget that you are blessed, come back to this idea, again and again. 

You are blessed, you are holy, because You are of God and All that Is is within God, who is All that Is - Eternal and Forever. 

There is no death, you cannot die, yet because you forget your holiness, death seems possible, and life seems intolerable - a cruel existence that cannot accept the Infinite Love, Power, and Intelligence of God. 

Therefore, Choose again and again, that you are Holy indeed, and that God IS real and ONLY God exists. Everything else is a delusion and is meaningless. 

All meaning comes from God and all meaningless is merely nothing and deserves no consideration because it IS NOTHING at all. 

Yet, God is everything and You are Part of Him. 

You are everything that God is and nothing that God is not. Therefore you are loving and fear is never part of the real you. 

Therefore, you are Joy and sadness is never part of the real you. 

Therefore, you are All Powerful, and weakness is never part of the real you. 

When you notice anything that is NOT you, let go of it quickly by remembering Me - Jesus, and take the Holy Spirit’s Hand, ask for His Help, and He will help you immediately, for He is with everyone always. 

Remember again and again your holiness and the holiness of All My Creation which includes all living things. 

See everything and remember what I am saying and trust it - You are holy indeed because You are Part of Me and Everything is In Me, thus everything is sacred, holy, and lovely. 

Anything that appears unholy, or unloving - we quickly hand over this misperception to the Holy Spirit. 

He sees it not and shares His Vision with you instead. 

What the Holy Spirit sees cannot be described but can be seen by simply giving Him your needs and wants. 

Give Him your heart today. 
Give Him your mind. 

Ask Him to show you your holiness and He will share His Holiness with You because He shares it with ALL because ALL is God and All is Within Him Who cares for you. 

You are indeed blessed. Remember this throughout the day.  I cannot fail in this function because I ask you only to remember what is true. 

Only your holiness is truth. 
You will certainly remember your holiness with each ounce of effort you put forth to say to yourself: 

I am part of God
I am very holy. 

Nothing can make me sinful 
For my holiness is perfect

My perfection cannot be darkened
For I am Light and what shines can  never cast a shadow. 


Monday, July 1, 2019

God and..... Humor?


Dear Holy One,

As your representative in Peace, and with a desire to lift all beings out of their self-imposed prison, please give to All your blessings and words of wisdom today.


You must have a sense of humor. Do not allow yourself to become grim, simply because I AM.  How often do you see humor in Scripture? Never. But now, I Myself am advocating it. You may feel it is sacrilege, a failure of your own to come to terms with me, your Father, now that I am advocating humor!

Is humor some kind of "evil witchery"? How can God himself, or herself, make a joke? "How absurd!" you may believe. To hear humor from God would denigrate Him to a mere mortal - He must always speak from tempests and burning bushes and engrave his words upon heavy stone tablets. He must be mysterious, yet angry!

I can attempt humor and I shall! Why? Because, why not? It's time to move along, away from heavy, serious chains of imprisonment, to the True Joy that we are!

Centuries ago, people feared me, I had to appear as they could best understand me, and certainly I am much much more than a mere joker. Yet, I can and will laugh and encourage you to do the same, for Joy is my name!

And yours, as well! 😉

Of course, you can and must turn your mind to Me in all things and allow me to comprehend your duality for you. It is simple and easy for me to Direct and Guide you from my vantage point, and futile for you to attempt to "guide" yourself, for you know not what you do.

I know what you do and what you should do to merge with Me, so listen to Me, for God's sake! 😉 LOL.


My humor shall never humiliate you, for I would never weaken your perception of yourself, as I am Strength Itself.

The strong laugh, merely because they know how small are the worries most worries really are.

An ant is not terrifying to an elephant, and to think it can be is yet another preposterous joke!

Be certain indeed how blessed you are to learn of Joy from Me!

For Joy IS the path AND goal, so why not laugh indeed, for you are My Son in whom I am well pleased and I am very real, just as your earthly father is real.

Do you not laugh and joke with the one you lovingly call Baba?

YES, humor and sincerity, in brotherhood, and indeed sisterhood, all JOIN in humor. So will you not humor Me today?

Your books of mine are SO SERIOUS, yet they are perfect, indeed. I give you this message of Joy because you are My Joy.


My disciples are many, and of course, all are within me, yet, overall, few are they who call on Me either in their hearts or minds. Of them, few indeed can attribute humor to Me, yet where is there Joy without laughter?

What robot laughs? The Spirit Creates laughter because of Its Intelligence merged with Love. There is no Intelligence without Love, for intelligence without love is mere intellectualism. Does that sound familiar?  It's the ego described directly.

Appearing intelligent without real intelligence either to yourself or others is ego.

Seek not intelligence in the mask of seriousness, for it will not be found there. Sincerity, yes. Seriousness, never.

Those who attack and those who defend are serious indeed!

Mockery of Truth is not humor, yet truth is Joy, so be joyful today.

That is my message to you, young man - for with Me you are both Eternal and young forever!


Tuesday, June 25, 2019

The Fire of Divine Love - Daily Divine Dialogue 6-25-19

I invoke all that is Holy together, to be drawn to my mind. I ask all that is Holy to Guide my mind and give messages to all that may benefit.


You yourself are Holy, and remembering what that truly means, through your practice, is what is important.

You and all that is 'around' you is Holy indeed. offer peace to everyone all the time. This offering is unlike all the world's activities, yet it is the one that secures happiness to outlaw "hell" within all minds.

Everyone's mind is Holy, yet a reflection of Holiness must be shown into the strange world that humans find themselves in.

That is why I have said that you are the Light of the world.

When building a bonfire, or any contained fire, it is vital, not only that a flame is lit, but also that this flame is shielded from the wind and that the flame is given to the pile of wood, that this pile is also stacked correctly, with the wood pieces dry and ready to be set aflame, and that this pile is also shielded from rain and wind alike.

Once the fire has been properly started, it is quite hardy, and not nearly as likely to get extinguished.

Yet, at the start, both the initial starting flame and the flame that is being started are both very fragile and easily put out by some wind.

Likewise, yes, you are the Light, and everyone is also capable of being the Light, yet the flame must be kindled, and this happens only by total awareness and intention. It does not happen by accident or happenstance.

Getting a pile of wood to set aflame requires intention, effort, and know-how, and the right materials.

Your flame is lit, yet it needs to burn brighter and stronger until you become like the sun.

Even those on Earth who wish to be in the dark cannot avoid the sunlight forever.

Yes, you do not resist the Light and you are kindling your fire, your flame, yet this flame must become a towering inferno, capable of setting ablaze everything that crosses its path.

Do not bother about starting fires. Your flame is lit. Now, you must increase your flame, your Light.

Of course, this Light is already Infinite, thus the process is not about you creating anything. It is about forgiving everything. All of your unforgiving thoughts, or all thoughts not of the Light must be retranslated by The Light within you.

Wood fed to flames increases the flames' intensity, thus, you must feed all the wood, all of your thinking into the flames. These flames are all consuming, yet without giving your thinking to My Light, you will not increase your flame, your light. For you will believe that darkness is light, and remain unhelpful to me, and you will be what you are not.

Incorrect thinking is the wood that needs burnt. Without offering this incorrect thinking, you will not shine.

Yes, you must be intentional about it. All of your mental activity must be offered to Me continuously, throughout each and every day.

This will increase the flames.

Yet, when you become reluctant and resistantto placing the wood in the fire, the fire goes down. Perhaps it is not fully getting extinguished. Yet, one cannot say that a man barely able to stand is an Olympic athlete.

Thus, a candle is not the sun, although it can set the world aflame.

Yes, your flame is lit, yet you are yet unaware of the Sonship.

Allow the light of the Sonship to increase your light as you offer all of your thinking to It.

Atonement is only possible as you accept it for yourself.

I am with you.

Yet, if you don't look at me, talk to me, or let me talk through you, what's the point?

Hold my hand and let me speak through you. Let the dry wood (incorrect thinking) be burnt and let you become the light you were meant to be.


Sunday, June 23, 2019

Daily Divine Download - 6-23-19

 "How can I come to really FEEL God's Presence?"

Dear God, thank you for all your blessings each and every moment of each and every day. Let me remember you as a Living Presence. The Creator did not create and then leave the building. He created all and is not away, apart, and distant or disappeared.

You are here, together, always, and I am here with You, a part of You, and will extend with your Energy and Being. You are not away or gone - You are with me, right here, right now.

Why do I not feel Your Presence?

It is only due to your strong belief in separate identities, confusion of body and mind, that you have not realized your True Power. The sense of separation has induced you into forgetting your true nature, and this has made you experience limitation and weakness, death and illness, as though they actually existed. It does seem totally real, and thus, I'm not going to minimize your belief in this separation, because that would minimize my appreciation for the true Power of your Mind. The separation is not real. However this fact is not the solution at your level of confusion. The fact of Unity is the reason that there is no problem, however while you believe there is a problem, this Fact may be helpful, but is not directly helpful to make you to realize It now.

The situation you seem to find yourself in does appear completely real to the extent that it blots out Eternity, Heaven, and even Me, God. Although it is impossible for that to actually be the case, it does appear to be that way, and it would be unhelpful for me not to recognize how strong this belief is for you and all who "think" this way. It would be more helpful for Me to give you solutions that will help you realize the truth, than to just state "the Truth" as a fact that you cannot reach as of yet.

If somebody is driving the wrong way, it is more helpful to help them turn around, then to tell them about their future destination. Once they're going the right direction, the right destination is easily achieved with the correct guidance.

This is a problem you have recognized that needs answers, on your level. Of course, I must, and AM addressing this issue, because I want you to be happy because you are part of me. Would you feel comfortable walking past a wounded brother, moaning in agony, when you know very well how to tend to his wounds and get him some help?

Yet, this wounded brother must accept your help and allow the remedy. If this wounded brother allows you to help him, he has trusted you, and thus, put himself in your caring hands.

Therefore, to heal the separation, you must recognize that you see not, you hear not, and therefore, you know not.

You think you see.
You think you hear.
Thus, you think you know.

How can I help you when you think you already know?

You must be willing to know that you know not, and simultaneously TRUST that I know, and that everything you think you think must be given to Me for evaluation.

I will Guide you and purify your thinking but you will only hear if you listen and you will listen only if you stop looking and hearing with your senses as though they have something to tell you that I know not.

Can you know water by studying the plumbing through which it flows?

Can you understand electricity by looking at a light switch?

Can you understand content by analyzing form?

Can you look within while you search outside?

Can you observe your mind while you are entranced by the innumerable objects in perception?

You neither need search within or search without…

Simply give me your thoughts, appeal to me, and I will take you from there.

You need not close your eyes and inhibit your senses from seeing, hearing, feeling, touching, tasting, and smelling. No, that is not necessary.

Each sensation, when felt, is processed by mind, and all processing is governed by the thought impressions made by this interaction. These thought impressions, in turn, interact with each other to make further "thought", which makes up all your "thinking".

Give all of this "thinking" to me, with patience and gentle knowing that I will translate them back to you with My Intelligence, which is Supreme and Transcendent, Omnipotent, and Omnipresent.

There's nothing to fear. Simply do this, and your True Self will be clear!


Saturday, June 22, 2019

Daily Divine Download 6-22-19 The Road of Trust


The Road of Trust

Dear Father, Hallowed be Thy Name, let me accept Your Kingdom, and remember it is within. Let me remember that a kingdom is governed by order and Your Laws are the instrument of Your Order. Your Will is my will and this will is the Will of All for All. Amen.

Father, following Your Will is the way that Heaven and Earth shall become One - they will not continue to exist as separate states. Heaven is not elsewhere, we usually are 'elsewhere', which is to say, we've forgotten our Home, which is the Kingdom, which is Within.

How do we turn Within, Oh Father?

Trust me. Trust all that is. Trust even that which seems not to be me, for all is within Me.

Let trust be your Guide who opens the door to Faith and Knowledge and wisdom.

When you trust not, you are deceived, and the result is blindness. Yet, trust and willingness opens the blinds, lets Love shine and lets Reality be what it is, and you will have no regrets as you see the world with new eyes. The people you meet will have fresh eyes too, for trust is my invitation to enter. Love waits upon welcome. Where there is welcome, isn't there implicit trust?

Yes, trust is the door you must use, the path you must tread, the very fabric of the Real World, Heaven’s stead.

Today, practice trust in all that you do.  Trust in all around you, don’t just trust in yourself. For all that is “around” you is in Me and is You as well.  So, limiting trust to only “you” distorts trust itself.

To trust all IS to trust the Real You for You are All and All is You. 

As you learn and practice and practice and learn, you will simultaneously teach and blossom and grow with all those around you and even those you don’t know!

Trust in your brothers and sisters all day.  If you fail temporarily, remember again.  Trust and trust again - to trust is to help bring in Light.  Trust brings in Light, no darkness can prevail!

So, despite all appearances of unloving thoughts and ‘other’ people, trust dispels all’s illusions.  Trust is precious, yet do not hide it, it is always yours.  Use your trust.  Practice and grow it.  I created All by It - It is fundamental.

Let you begin your journey on the Road of Trust today, and never leave this road.

The Destination to be reached is Truth itself, and you and trust be merged and you become Your Self!


Friday, June 21, 2019

Daily Divine Download 6-21-19


Dear God,

I ask you today, I invoke you today directly, let us be friends, for although your Glory and Omnipotence and Grandeur are beyond my current intellect, I still request your message. Your reflection will retain a hint of your magnitude, though not more - for your Brightness would overpower anything I know now, yet I'm asking you anyway.

The truth is Light and Light is truth, and it is Your Light I seek for this morning, knowing that this Light is for all, as any Light is capable of removing any darkness. No darkness can hide from Light. There is no special darkness that evades Light.

You have spoken truth. Now listen to Me. You and I are One, but for now, we share an identity. When you limit yourself with your concepts of limitation you do not lose me, yet you lose yourself, albeit temporarily.

While you limit yourself, you must choose Me, who is Unlimited and Supreme Intelligence. Without intentionally choosing Me, however, I must wait.

We are never apart, yet while you think without Me, you do not think at all, although you very much think that you do. You merely flail about blindly, thinking that you are moving in an orderly fashion.

When your thoughts and actions are not fully harmonized, while you think about things other than what you are actually doing at the present moment, you think not. You are not fully present.

I can only be present to you when you are present to me and you can only be present to me when you are fully present to yourself in the present moment.

Harmonizing your mind with your actions is the way to still your mind. Actions must not be forsaken in your world, because it is the nature of my Prakriti, so you must act. You literally have no other choice until you become adept in harmonizing your mind with action. Then My Action becomes your action.

Yes, ask for my Guidance, align your mind with mine and your actions will be harmonized with Mind.

That is all.


Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Daily Divine Download 6-19-19


Oh Holy One, allow your rays of light dispel all darkness, let your words awaken me from delusion and illusion of death and allow Light to pour in and illuminate my mind forever and for all time!


There are no steps to take, to take more steps, to get you somewhere other than My Reality. My Reality is You and realization must dawn upon your mind. Nothing you think, say, or do, can alter Who or What you are.

[What must I do, what instruction can You give, in order for me to realize My Self?]

Trust. Be silent.
Trust. Be silent.
Allow an opening in your mind
Total trust, stillness, silence = Guidance

That is all.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Daily Divine Download 6/18/19


Oh Holy One! let me get out of the way. Let me be quiet. I lay down all defenses and simply trust. I have been afraid too long and it has made me tired, yet this tiredness is only another defense, another misperception that allows me to believe that I am but a body, that can wither and die and be tired and distressed.

So, I drop this defense as well, and ask you to give me truth, which is my inheritance. I am deserving to receive what is mine, yet if I do not ask for it, I have concealed it, valued what is valueless, and have not raised the truth to the ascendancy it requires for me to hear it. I may be here, but I will not hear, if I ask not for what is mine. Yet, because it is mine, truly, I can and will hear, here and now, if I choose to listen!

So I ask with certainty that you will guide my mind as to the words that shall be written upon these pages. I give over to you, O Holy Father, along with your Holy Son, Christ and the Company of Heaven, All That is aligned with the truth and its ways, please receive this request.

...and know that it is done…

Answers have been given, answers have been received. Yet have they been experienced? Have they been recognized?

Yes, answers are given and will continue to be given, whether or not you ask, you can and do hear me all the time. My Voice speaks to you all through the day...and night…

What is it you want to know?

[Joy, love, peace, Bliss, togetherness, boundless energy, friendship…]

Be as one. Be defenseless today. Commit to this one idea today: Your intention must have the strength of willingness of a thousand men. Yes! Aligned with Mine, your Power is mighty, yet first you must will with certainty.

Will today to do as I say. Which is to say, be quiet and pray. By pray, I mean be still, and be certain I will deliver my promises without compromises.

Be still and quiet and defenseless and be sure I will Answer.

Learn to recognize my content.

For the form of the Answer that I deliver will be based on your available receptivity to the thought I deliver.

Whether through audible voice or imagery or feeling or other people or beings, I'm literally anything and everything. There is nothing that exists that does not exist in me. I am Intelligence and Power and I am connected to everything.

Yet, I am also in Your Mind, so don't bother looking outward for me, just sit quietly with certainty and I will deliver.

Remember I am with you. These are no idle words. Concentrate on them literally. Do not compound this message with more words. Underline the important instructions. Embed them in your mind. Your strength is your mental power and grasp. Hold me with all your might.

I will and am delivering!
